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Leah's first ever blog post :3

Published: at 12:04 PM

So umm yeah

I’m finally actually fucking writing something here

So welcome to Leah’s actual fucking blog :333333

I’m going to write about just mostly random crap here

So, how am I going to start off?

I’m going to combine this article into 2 things I’ve learned over winter break because yes

First thing, just because you CAN do something, doesn’t mean its a good use of your time. Source? me homebrewing my ps3 for hours only to use it for 30 fucking minutes sob this was an absolute PAIN in my ass and i ended up reverting the homebrew later too this was an absolute fucking waste of a day thats for sure

ANYWAYS, time for a way more interesting topic that actually had me surprised. The fuckin method for picking solutions that they taught me in the mental hospital works for programming and engineering problems too. So there I fucking was, assuming I’d never use that ever again in my life. Turns out, it’s somehow ACTUALLY HELPFUL. For example, If I wanted to make a kindle page turner, I could make it one of 2 ways. I could make a 3D printed thing that fits onto the kindle and do it that way. However, that’d be very inefficient. And now, introducing the WAY more jank and way more fun way to solve this problem. I take a computer, jailbreak the kindle, use the jailbroken kindle to record /dev/input/event codes to play back, put these onto the computer, write a script that detects that whenever i press the right key, to replay the event code to emulate me tapping the right side of the screen over SSH on a fucking USB cable, and bada bing, bada boom. WORKING KINDLE PAGE TURNER. I could, say instead do this over a raspberry pi to make the computer smaller, and then add buttons, but honestly, its better this way. MY GLORIOUS INVENTION, USING A FUCKING COMPUTER TO TURN THE PAGES ON MY KINDLE USING THE MOST JANK WAY HUMANLY IMAGINABLE. THE GREATEST THING OF ALL FUCKING TIME, AN EXTREMELY FUCKING JANK WAY TO TURN THE PAGE ON MY KINDLE. WHEN LIFE GIVES YOU LEMONS, TELL LIFE TO GO SHOVE A FUCKING PIPE UP ITS TINY LITTLE ASSHOLE AND USE THOSE LEMONS TO MAKE GRENADES TO BLOW UP LIFE’S HOUSE. NOTHING CAN STOP YOU NOW. YOU RULE THE WORLD. YOU DID THIS.

so umm yeah thanks for coming to my ted talk :3

Hopefully I’ll make more posts soon. probably mainly when i find something funny to talk about i don’t even know

there was also a way i cut because it was even more impractical than the first one. you can solder a wire to copper foil, tape it to the screen, and plug a cable into a kindle and wire up a button to the cable which then connects to the foil.

Anyways, lesson of the day is to think of what solutions you can use to fix a problem i guess nah thats boring, the REAL lesson of the day is to RULE THE FUCKING WORLD BY BLOWING UP LIFE’S HOUSE WITH COMBUSTIBLE FUCKING LEMONS!!!!!!!!!!!

yes that was a portal 2 reference valve is peak thank you for coming to this dogshit blog post about literally nothing whatsoever and is 100% just me rambling about random shit mainly to get more minutes on my wakatime so i can ship my site as a project on high seas so i can get the pinecil.
